Creations / Templates
Here are some free to use templates and layouts that I've made for you to use on your website!
Before we get into it, though, here are some important things to know:
- I am self-taught. That means that these templates are not guaranteed to be free of issues. I do my best, but I may not catch every issue.
- There is credit provided within the templates, but if you're linking back to my website in some way, you don't have to keep it. You can move it around and stuff too! Note: when I have provided credit to the creator of some asset being used in the code (like a background image), you must keep that credit there in some way.
- You're always allowed to inspect my code on other pages and copy it! If you're curious how I did something, or you want to copy a snippet of my code, go for it!
- You are free to edit any of these templates however you'd like! I don't mind at all.
- Not everyone's stances on all of these things will be the same! Please do check other people's rules or notes for how they'd like their templates to be used before assuming they're the same as mine.

