
Creations / Projects

I've got a lot of projects going on, so this may not always be up to date, but here's what I'm currently working on!

This website!

I have so many things planned for this website it's kind of ridiculous. I'll try to list some ideas below that I'm currently working on or plan to implement soon!

  • Shrine for Pixel Cat's End
  • French and Portuguese translations of index page and about page
  • Improving accessibility (ongoing)
  • Pages on witchcraft and paganism (I am a Hellenic/Norse pagan and a witch)
  • Stick insect page
  • Fursona page
  • Game collection page

Art Hive Studio

The Art Hive Studio is a website hosted on Marigold Town, meant to provide artists with resources and feature some artists in bimonthly exhibitions!